What To Consider In Your Search For Radon Mitigation Services?

Being a colorless, tasteless, and odorless radioactive gas formed through the decay of uranium makes radon gas very undetectable. As result it has continuously led to serious health issues, the most common disease being cancer. According to the United States Protection Agency, and the Surgeon General’s office, more than 20,000 lung cancer deaths every year result from radon gas. This shows just how dangerous it is and why it needs to be mitigated. However, when it comes to seeking radon mitigation services, you must be very careful. The increasing number of radon mitigation companies poses a very serious challenge. The likelihood of falling for unreliable radon mitigation services is quite high.

When seeking radon mitigation services, there are several factors you have to be very mindful of. Hiring just any radon mitigation company will not give you the results you desire. Right from the radon testing contractor to the radon mitigation contractor you have to ensure you make the right pick. Here are some significant considerations you just cannot ignore.

The cost of Radon Mitigation Services

Nearly one in fifteen United States homes is believed to have radon levels at or exceeding the recommended EPA action level. And the risk of suffering from lung cancer increases by 16% for every 100Bq/m in long-term average radon concentration. This is why the United States Environmental Protection Agency recommends reducing the radon gas levels in homes to about 4 picocuries per liter of air. Therefore, there is a need to seek radon mitigation services. However, you have to put into consideration the projected total cost to be incurred. In this regard, you will need to compare prices from various radon mitigation companies, read customers’ reviews, and consult previous clients. You will get a company that is affordable and with a great reputation in that field.

The Choice Of Your Radon Mitigation Company

The radon mitigation company you choose to bring on board does matter a lot. If you make the wrong decision then you are likely to get poor quality radon mitigation services. Truth be told, you will not get value for your money. This is why you ought to work with a reliable radon mitigation company. First, get to know the reputation of the company. This will require you to inquire from previous clients to get insight on which one is the right option at your disposal. Furthermore, find out if the company is licensed to provide radon mitigation services. This ensures you do not work with a firm that is illegally in operation, hence subjecting you to long legal battles which are a waste of money.

Quality Of Radon Mitigation Services

Getting to know the quality of radon mitigation services offered by various companies before making your selection is very crucial. You need to know if indeed the contractor you are bringing on board will reduce the radon gas levels or not. To get enough clarity on the quality of radon mitigation services, you must conduct intensive research. Gather in-depth information on the type of services being offered by the various radon mitigation services at your disposal. Furthermore, get to know what previous customers have to say considering the quality of radon mitigation services of certain firms you intend to work with. You will receive firsthand information to guide you in making an informed decision.

The Level Of Radon Gas Level In Your House

Before you sought radon mitigation services, it is fair enough to be aware of the levels of this gas in your home. Therefore, the first thing is to hire a competent radon testing and inspection contractor. The contractor will carry out a thorough inspection to determine if the present radon gas levels are harmful to your household or not. In case there is a risk to human life, you have to seek reliable radon mitigation services. The contractor can give you amazing recommendations on which radon mitigation company will serve you.


The process of seeking radon mitigation services should be handled with care. Put into consideration the cost of these services, the choice of the radon mitigating company, and the radon gas levels among many more. With this approach, you are likely to get the best abatement services for this harmful gas.

Author: Automaton

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