Before purchasing reefer transportations, make sure you watch the video. This video has everything you need to know about what to do before choosing the reefer transportations.
You’ve undoubtedly come across a plethora of alternatives and offers when researching how to pick a used reefer trailer that’s perfect for you.
Before you contact to schedule an inspection, do some research on the seller to see whether they’re authentic? A reliable seller can assist you in resolving any concerns that may emerge after you complete your purchase.
You may learn more about the vendor by reading online reviews on Google and Facebook. You should inspect the used refrigerated trailers for sale for any leaks that might prevent it from performing correctly. Set the reefer unit to the temperature you require and see how long it takes to reach it. Examine the machine thoroughly for any air or water leaks. Look for corrosion around the wheel wells, axles, and joints. This can save you money on future repairs.
Reefer trailers for sale can range in length from 13 to 53 feet and weight up to 44,000 pounds. You must ensure that the reefer trailer you select does not have extra weight. This might result in additional fuel expenses and water leaks. On request, the supplier should be ready to give trailer weight specifications.