Garden beds are a great way to garden, particularly if you have a small space. However, as mentioned in the video, there are some common mistakes you should avoid. Let’s take a look at a few things you should avoid when building your next garden bed.
One common mistake with garden beds is making them too long or too wide.
It’s important to be able to reach all areas of the bed easily. The recommended size for a raised bed is 4 ft x 8 ft. In addition to a convenient size, the lumber is inexpensive.
Another issue is making the beds too shallow. If you have a tough time bending down, you may want to make your beds 2 to 3 feet high. However, if you have healthy soil under the bed, a 6-inch bed will work well. Plants generally want to put their roots down one foot.
You will also want to avoid using the wrong material. Generally, wood is the least expensive option. You will want to avoid treated or compressed lumber, which can leach chemicals into the soil. Fabric beds are also a great option.
The most crucial mistake people make with raised beds is using the wrong soil. It can be tempting to use the soil from your garden. However, it’s better to use potting soil or raised bed mix.